about us

Who are we?

Fix My Belly was created solely to connect a group of people together.

We can't guarantee that you will leave here completely treated, but we hope to add some value to each person who visits this website with our content. Always remember that you are not alone.

Our current team is shown below.


Bilal, Founder

Bilal is the Founder of Fix My Belly and oversees all website strategy and content.

An infection in 2014 left him with an intestinal issue for years. Today, he is almost fully treated after making lifestyle changes based on science and research.

Bilal sees that gut problems are on the rise and understands first-hand how detrimental this can be to one's life.

He created Fix My Belly to support everyone who suffers from any digestive problem and feels helpless.


Avram, Consultant 

Avram is a Consultant for Fix My Belly and provides strategic insight from time-to-time.

Avram brings over 40 years of extensive knowledge and experience in the healthcare industry and holds a PhD from Stanford University.